How I set up my email signature

How I set up my email signature

I was recently asked how I set up my email signature, and thought I would share with a quick blog post for anyone that wanted to do a similar signature. The one which I use the most is the one below. It gives a personal touch because it shows you are willing to put...

Ace Web Design now offers blog install and design

Ace Web Design originally offers web designing, web development, advertising, and search engine optimization. Recently, the business has come up with the newest service offering wordpress installation and designing to cater to the recent needs of business owners who...
Prevent caching in internet explorer

Prevent caching in internet explorer

I had the most frustrating experience recently, with a page inside an admin area calling cached pages on the results page. So my client would input a new entry, but it wouldnt show in their results window. I personally use firefox, and it looked good, but because the...