
Take a look at our range of services. We can help you with most things web.

We are able to help you create your ideal website and make it a reality. With good communication along the way we will create a website that will represent your business in a professional manner. Any website we create these days must be viewable on all types of devices, from desktop right down to the mobile phone, to ensure all visitors are getting a quality experience.


Web design services

This is our area of expertise. We produce the finest quality of web site tailored to your business needs. What it comes down to is that we want to see you get results. We take the information that you give us and turn it into a full featured website designed to give you a major web presence. No one knows your business like you do, so communication is key to the web design process.

We use a ticketing system called Zen Desk which many large corporations use to ensure fast response times to support queries. We can plan our your website using the Atlassian suite of tools such as Jira and Confluence.


search engine optimisation (SEO)

Search Engine Optimisation or S.E.O. as it is well known comprises of setting up your web pages to get good results in the search engines. This is achieved through a series of procedures such as including keyword density on your pages, and finding sufficient inbound links to show the search engines that your site is popular and relevent to the search terms that you seek.

We include a small amount of SEO in all of our designs unless otherwise requested. This ensures that you get some good results in the engines without too much overheads. Search engine optimisation results don’t happen overnight, but with the correct methods applied, the results can bring high quality traffic to your site.

api integration

API’s allow you to connect to third party services and use their data on your own website. We have done a great deal of work with many API’s across a number of projects.

database design

Most websites and web applications require a database which stores the data to run the website. We specialise in using Mysql and MongoDb for our database delivery.

web development

“What is web development?” I hear you ask. Web development is the backend of the website which allows you to make updates to your sites, or for content to be dynamically displayed. This can also include shopping carts and e-commerce solutions for your business. Please ask us for a demonstration of how easy it is to update your web site with one of our custom made CMS back end scripts. Changes you make in the script will show up on the live site with little effort. We love using Laravel and Vuejs to code complex web applications to solve problems.


advertising (SEM)

Advertising online is become increasingly competitive, but there are still ways of getting high quality visitors to your sites. For Google Advertising we use Google Ads (Formerly Google Adwords) to give your site exposure, and can design a advertising campaign that will bring visitors to your website that are interested in your services. For a small setup fee and a small campaign management fee we can get people to your site, whilst you wait on your search engine results to take place, or can also use the google adwords advertising to complement your current search engine results.


We have done a great variety of Ecommerce websites, which allows businesses to sell their products online. We can create an ecommerce website to suit your business needs.


We can help you with your wordpress needs, if it is setting up a wordpress website, implementing a new theme, installing plugins or creating a custom wordpress plugin, we are the people to see.